Tuesday 30 December 2014

The Directive

The Directive.

The Directive, and in speak now of society, and as organized in all, and in speak of Spiritual Technologies that is.

Sunday 28 December 2014



What in all, is believed said, the highest Science said known to Man in all again, and in speak too here, and of Spiritual Technologies that is? It in many a way, is said often believed even, and to speak of Metallurgy, and as the very Science too, often truly associated and with speak of the Watch for instance, Semiconductors/Computer Chips, or speak even and of Tesla, and of Superconductors too that is.



What is Assuetude? It in many a way, is often simply translated, and into speak of Habit in all. For Habit too, is often simply said Impulse, Habitude, and if not Praxis in itself that is. That Habit in all again, can simply be said defined as follows:

A habit (or wont) is a routine of behavior that is repeated regularly and tends to occur unconsciously.

The keyword we are probably seeking out here, and in the above definition, is that said Unconsciously, and as very well even referring, and to the Unconscious that is. For that in many a way, is what Habit is, or is truly said to be (all about), and in speak of direct associations too that is.

Assuetude though, is believed something much more 'deeper' in its ways in all, and as compared to speak of Habit (and in speak too of the Priest and the Nun), but that in all ways even, it all said, Assuetude (and something that does truly speak of African Spiritual Systems), and as the very key, and to simply learning what Spiritual Technologies, are truly said to be all about that is.

The African Future

The African Future.

This entry, will in all now attempt, to put forward, a theory of sorts, and as with regards, and to the very role, that so termed Spiritual Technologies, can be used, and in helping solve Africa's problems, and in speak now and of Africa, and as said truly catching-up, and to the rest of the World that is [Link]. 

That this in all, does truly even, have to speak, and of having Africans simply open up, and to all sorts of Experiences, and that do in all even simply speak of Zest, Enthusiasm and Gusto, and as said in all, and to consist of Ancestral and if not Racial Identity too that is. For the very world of Spiritual Technologies, does in all even bring to the fore, Ancestral and Racial lineages in all, but that in all ways too, speak now, and of society and as said truly divided as such that is.

In helping make all this clear, the need to view Africa's Future and as explained above, is to now associate everyday African living, and with speak in all even, and of the very term Desperation that is. That it in all, Desperation, and in speak now of Zest, Enthusiasm, and Gusto too, Africans in all and as said misguided perhaps, and in speak now of Appraisals too, and if not the Upraising of oneself that is [and with it all now, said to go along, and with speak of a Global, International or Worldly Consciousness/Awareness too that is, and as said to speak of most Media out there in all].

That in many a way, Africans, are believed not simply aware, and of the very manner, many a society outside Africa in all, is simply said to be evolving, and away in all again, and from speak of many a Political event that is, and if not speak of Modern Democracy too. That take in all, North America, and if not the United States of America in itself, and who have in all again spent lots of time [and from the very times of the American Civil War that is], and in speak of Zest, Enthusiasm and Gusto too, and in engaging in all, and in the creating of Identity, and in speak now and of what one could very well term Media Studies that is [Link] . That in speak of South America, speak of their knowing themselves as such, and in speak of Cultural Studies, while Europe in all, and from the very times of Revolution in Europe, or speak too of WW1, and Nazi Germany too, a struggle now and in creating Identity, everyday too, and in speak too of the EU, and that does in all even speak of Social Studies that is [Link]. For the Middle East, a concentration on studying Law/Humanities, while Asia and as unknown to most, has truly in all attempted to create Identity, and of a new Asia, and that does in all even speak of Religious Studies that is.

It is in Africa though, where most are simply said mired, and in huge doubt and if not trepidation in itself, and as with regards to speak of the Future, and in a World today, where most in all, don't truly care to involve themselves, and in anything said African that is (and in speak too here perhaps, and in carrying a said Canadian Sentiment, and of 'reputable' African Restaurants in Toronto too in all), but that in all again, Africans can catch up to the rest of the World, and in speak of a Can-do Attitude in all, and by only truly seeking to engage, and in Historical Studies in themselves that is.

Saturday 27 December 2014

Valuable Stones

Valuable Stones.

Valuable Stones, Rocks & Gems, and as said now truly influencing us in all, and in Perception, and if not Meaning, and as said to speak of Insight in itself, and as with regards and in speak of Spiritual Technologies that is.

Friday 26 December 2014

Spiritual Technologies

Spiritual Technologies.

This entry, does purport in all, and in introducing to many, what is in all said, and to speak of Spiritual Technologies. For they in all, are not what most assume them to be (Technology in itself), but in all ways even, speaks truly of Confucius in all, and in is having said 'Knowledge is (simply said) Infinite'. 

That in all, Spiritual Technologies in all again, do in all even attempt to introduce one, and to the very belief that, Human Experience, is simply said Infinite in its ways, and alongside speak here in all, and of Technology in itself too, and as simply said Workable/Working Knowledge that is [and as furtherly said Infinite too it is believed].

In having said all this, is to now revert and to speak of the work/source posted above, 'Inner Peace', and by one Awo Falokun (Fatunmbi) too, and which does in all even attempt to introduce one, and to the very belief that, Knowledge, and alongside speak even of Human Experience, is simply said Infinite, and in a World today, and that does in all even, have many limited in choice or options too in all, and as with regards and to speak of Job Employment, a happy Marriage, or speak even of Money in itself that is [and of the Prize Earning too perhaps].

In all, Spiritual Technologies, and as not something too easy to explain, and other than speak and of what is believed said to be, the very best of all things, and in speak of the appropriate too, and as believed best said and at this very Moment too, for Spiritual Technologies and Africa, and as versus those said Mayan (Link), Transylvanian (Link), Austro-Hungarian (Link), or speak even and of those said Solomonic too (Link), Spiritual Technologies and Africa, are not that difficult to envision in all, and as they do in all even speak of the very world of Oriki, some said secret and hidden, in that, it does now speak of Oriki, and as truly associated in all for instance, and with the Recital, and as with it in all even, a manner/way of speech, that does speak of the understanding of many a thing, and that does in all even speak of Light Bulbs for instance, and as simply said speaking of one and as Lighting/Opening up and to many a thing that is.

In many a way, something not too easy to explain, and to the mind, and that has never had the most basic of appreciation in all perhaps, and of Conventional Poetry too for instance.