Monday 30 July 2018

of Rectitude

of Rectitude.

In the here saying that, that this said Blog and on said 'Spiritual Technologies' too, does and in all too Focus that is, and on what is in all said as perceived, and as said as Language in itself that is, and as in all said now as away too that is, and from what is in all said as of Religion, Myth, or of said Institution in itself too that is, now is to and in all even refer and to, and to it all, and in said Language too that is, and in said even regard now, and to the said even now Bible in itself too that is.

Of what is in all said as Language, and if not in said origins, roots, or in said source, sources too that is, and of what is in all said as of Spiritual Technology too, and as now said as perceived, or as in all said now as perceived, and in speak and of the said Picturing in itself that is, and such that, or in the said now saying that, what is in all said as to Focus, or is in all said as in Focus that is, now does and in all even ask of, and of what is in all too said as of Hunger, of Thirst, of Sleep, and if not of said too Impotency in itself that is.

Saturday 14 March 2015

The Quest

The Quest.

Most have heard, of the term Atomicity, and as often said, and to speak too of Atom/Atomic Splitting that is. The real reason for it all though, the splitting of Atoms, has never truly been explained and in a manner in all, most would appreciate, Myth that is, and other than speak now, and of it all said referring, and to speak of Dominance, and if not of Hegemony too, and in Purpose, Goal or Motive too that is.

In attempting to make Atomicity clear though, is to in all even associate it all, and with speak of the Theorem, and as said something in all, grounded in many a way too, and in speak of Facts that is. That Atomicity, and in speak of Theorems, now does speak too of Consistency (Memory), Inference, and of Coherence too that is.

On saying that the above is what a Theorem is said in all to be, or refer to, speak now and of those who do associate Atomic/Atom Splitting, and with speak of Matter, and as now said to refer and to speak of Periodicity, and if not speak of the Periodic Table that is. There are those who do associate Atomic Splitting, and with speak too of Energy, and in release and on splitting an Atom, and such that, it does in all even now lead, and to speak of Atomic or Nuclear Explosions that is. There are those though, who would tell one that, Atomic Splitting, or the Splitting of Atoms, now does speak too of Time in all, and in speak too now, and of the term Photon, and as now said too, embodying Time in itself that is.

The above Theories in all though, do in all even associate Atoms, and with speak too of the Building Blocks of life theory, and which does in all not fit in truly, and with African Spirituality that is. For African Spirituality in all, and in speak too of Spiritual Technologies, will tell one that, an Atom, is simply just what it is, and not what it is said to be, and in speak now, and of it all associated, and in Splitting perhaps, and not only and with speak of the Chase (for a Chase, is simply said what it is), but in speak too now, and of what they do term a Quest that is.

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Ritual & Custom

Ritual & Custom.

When one does in all speak of Ritual & Custom, we are in all even speaking of Customary Ritual, and if not speak of Ritualized Custom too, and as said in all even, a form of Engagement in all again, and that does in all even speak of the complicated nature and of defining African Identity today, and in an Africa, simply said unceremonious, undignified or unclean in its ways/manners in all, and in speak now too, and of African Identity and as said not Folk/Proverbial, but in all truly even, speak of African Identity and as said to refer and to the Secular that is.

In all, the very belief that Secularism in Africa, is now very much associated and with speak of Taboo in itself, and if not Utmost Disgust in itself too, and in speak now of civilized African life and as viewed primarily or fundamentally in all, and in speak of Engagement (Link), and not Tradition in itself either that is.

Saturday 3 January 2015

The Zeitgeist

The Zeitgeist.

What they do refer to as the Zeitgeist, does not actually refer and to what we do Know, but in all ways truly, and of what we do Know of that is. That what we do know, could very well save us all, but what we do know of, does in all speak and of what we do in all, become that is [or speak too and of the Unbecoming in us, and as with it referring in all, and to what we do know of, and at the Subconscious level too that is]. That this in all, does speak of the peril or danger, that Media today, does place on us, and in speak too, and of what we do Know of, and not what we do Know that is.

In referring here and to speak of Odu Ifa, speak now and of the very belief that, what we do Know of, does in all even refer, and to our said in all, choosing, and of our Destiny, and while in Heaven, and that in all again, while on Earth, we now do in all attempt, to truly realize or discover, what it is, our Destiny, is said to be, and as with it all even determining in all, what we do Know of, and not what we do Know that is.

In other Cultures, what we do Know of, very much determined in all, and by ones Upbringing, and if not speak too, and of ones Formative years that is [and speak too, and of the very best of Youthful Experiences that is - Link].

What of the Classical World of Cosmology and Cosmogony too? A World very much in all again, forgotten today, and in speak perhaps of a great interest now, and in talking Sub-Atomic Physics too that is, and in speak now and of what we do Know of, and in speak here too and of Mass, Density, Volume and if not Weight in itself in all (a Dead Weight too), but that in all ways even, the very world of Sub-Atomic Physics, does in all even probably speak of the very world of a Civilization, and that does in all even probably speak in all again, or hint at, and to speak of Atlantis that is.

What of Classical Myth? And in speak here now, and of the Lord of the Rings, and if not Sherlock Holmes too that is.

And of Oracles? What in many a way, does speak of St. Benedict's Rule, truly represent in all, and in speak of what we do Know of, and as versus speak of what we do know that is?

In all, the above calling into question the rather said harmful effects of Media today, and as with it all even said to speak of what we do Know of, and not what we do know, and in speak now, and of (the keeping of) Tabs that is.

Tuesday 30 December 2014

The Directive

The Directive.

The Directive, and in speak now of society, and as organized in all, and in speak of Spiritual Technologies that is.

Sunday 28 December 2014



What in all, is believed said, the highest Science said known to Man in all again, and in speak too here, and of Spiritual Technologies that is? It in many a way, is said often believed even, and to speak of Metallurgy, and as the very Science too, often truly associated and with speak of the Watch for instance, Semiconductors/Computer Chips, or speak even and of Tesla, and of Superconductors too that is.



What is Assuetude? It in many a way, is often simply translated, and into speak of Habit in all. For Habit too, is often simply said Impulse, Habitude, and if not Praxis in itself that is. That Habit in all again, can simply be said defined as follows:

A habit (or wont) is a routine of behavior that is repeated regularly and tends to occur unconsciously.

The keyword we are probably seeking out here, and in the above definition, is that said Unconsciously, and as very well even referring, and to the Unconscious that is. For that in many a way, is what Habit is, or is truly said to be (all about), and in speak of direct associations too that is.

Assuetude though, is believed something much more 'deeper' in its ways in all, and as compared to speak of Habit (and in speak too of the Priest and the Nun), but that in all ways even, it all said, Assuetude (and something that does truly speak of African Spiritual Systems), and as the very key, and to simply learning what Spiritual Technologies, are truly said to be all about that is.