Saturday 14 March 2015

The Quest

The Quest.

Most have heard, of the term Atomicity, and as often said, and to speak too of Atom/Atomic Splitting that is. The real reason for it all though, the splitting of Atoms, has never truly been explained and in a manner in all, most would appreciate, Myth that is, and other than speak now, and of it all said referring, and to speak of Dominance, and if not of Hegemony too, and in Purpose, Goal or Motive too that is.

In attempting to make Atomicity clear though, is to in all even associate it all, and with speak of the Theorem, and as said something in all, grounded in many a way too, and in speak of Facts that is. That Atomicity, and in speak of Theorems, now does speak too of Consistency (Memory), Inference, and of Coherence too that is.

On saying that the above is what a Theorem is said in all to be, or refer to, speak now and of those who do associate Atomic/Atom Splitting, and with speak of Matter, and as now said to refer and to speak of Periodicity, and if not speak of the Periodic Table that is. There are those who do associate Atomic Splitting, and with speak too of Energy, and in release and on splitting an Atom, and such that, it does in all even now lead, and to speak of Atomic or Nuclear Explosions that is. There are those though, who would tell one that, Atomic Splitting, or the Splitting of Atoms, now does speak too of Time in all, and in speak too now, and of the term Photon, and as now said too, embodying Time in itself that is.

The above Theories in all though, do in all even associate Atoms, and with speak too of the Building Blocks of life theory, and which does in all not fit in truly, and with African Spirituality that is. For African Spirituality in all, and in speak too of Spiritual Technologies, will tell one that, an Atom, is simply just what it is, and not what it is said to be, and in speak now, and of it all associated, and in Splitting perhaps, and not only and with speak of the Chase (for a Chase, is simply said what it is), but in speak too now, and of what they do term a Quest that is.